Friday, April 16, 2010


This is so out of order for the A-Z challenge but I had to share this with you! I came home from work today a little after 5:00. DH had left for work about 4:15, so there was not a serious time delay between our times at home. I noticed as I let the puppies out that there seemed to be a lot of bees flying around the back yard. Well, the lavender is blooming, and DH had planted a lot of seasonal color in the back yard (later post, it looks beautiful). Maybe the bees were just happy to be in Texas in the spring. But there sure were a lot of them. A really lot of them, hitting the windows and stuff. Called DH. No bees when he was home. Hmmmm. Then I saw it. In the picture. The huge brownish blackish thing in my tree. See it? Bees. Lots of bees. Oh, and on the ground, big mound of bees. Uh, oh. This can't be good. Googled Beekeeper. Called Beekeeper. He will be right out. Whew. I went out with the girls. Come home, no bees. Whew again. This was a new one for me. Beekeeper is my new hero!

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