Sunday, April 1, 2012

A is for . . .

Apple.  Of course.  I still remember the first grade classroom with the alphabet around the top of the walls and the pictures representing each letter.  A - Apple.  It is the beginning.

Sometimes it is helpful to return to the beginning.  No matter how many times I perform one of the routine tasks at work, it is helpful to open the procedures manual and read through it again.  Has anything changed?  Do the procedures still work?  Can it be done better?

The same is true in. . . just about everything!  Cooking (re-read that memorized recipe), hobbies (get out the knitting stitch guide), and life.

We obviously cannot go all the way back to the beginning, not in life anyway.  Who really wants to be that child in 1st grade again?  Not me! What about going back to the roots of where we are now - what has shaped us - what we believe?  It is good to question our beliefs - even when we come to the same conclusion, we come to it stronger.

Genesis 1:1 - In the beginning. . .


Graciewilde said...

Hi! I like that - A is for Apple and that was always at the front of the alphabet in school. And, no, we can't go all the way back to the beginning in life - sometimes I wouldn't mind going back a few decades (that tells you that I am not a young person) but I wouldn't want to go without what I know now.
And, right one! Question those beliefs!

Anonymous said...

back to the basics! love it!